North America
Landor Liddell
Landor is a psychologist and educator with extensive experience in individual, group and organizational learning and development. Along with a credentialed, interdisciplinary, theoretical background and approach, he brings a depth of integration of knowledge and experience to his work. Strong interpersonal skills are evidenced in leadership, teaching, coaching and counselling roles. Landor is highly motivated to enable others to realize their greater potential through opportunities for learning and development.
Landor was initially introduced to the Hall –Tonna Values Inventory and process in the 1980’s during a self-directed team building/staff development exercise. On the strength of this positive experience, Landor later (mid 90’s) attended a certification training experience in Santa Cruz led by the staff of Values Technology. As a practising psychologist, Landor chose the Hall-Tonna from among other values inventories for its testing rigour (validity and reliability) and because it was embedded within a comprehensive and integrated theoretical framework. It is noteworthy that the Hall-Tonna has stood the test of time and continues to be relevant across a broad range of applications.
Landor’s experience to date with the Hall-Tonna is varied including the following applications: psychotherapy, life coaching, executive coaching, employee assessment, team building, business partner conflict resolution, organizational development, and graduate level leadership education.
Landor completed his Ph.D in Education (Leadership Development Curriculum) in 2005. He is a member of the Canadian Association of Psychologists, the Canadian Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists and the International Network on Personal Meaning. In addition to providing psychological services within a not-for-profit agency, he operates his own business, Metaquest Consulting Inc., through which he engages values related work. Landor has designed and teaches graduate level courses at the University of Alberta, Edmonton including one course on the subject of leadership and values.